Tucson Gem Show 2021 Rundown

Before I get into it --my birthday along with Cassondra Justine Jewelry’s birthday is this week!! -- make sure to read to the end so you don’t miss the birthday surprise! Alright-- let’s get down to the Tucson deets!
Wow. What a TRIP! Going to Tucson this year was a whole different level of necessary! We have all been cooped up for way too long. When I realized that the Tucson Gem Show was postponed rather than cancelled I mentioned it to my mom. Of course she booked us a hotel room immediately. Haha - she was on it! Even though I was excited, I wasn’t sure if the trip would actually happen because I wanted to make sure I would be fully vaccinated in time in order to feel comfortable taking the trip -- and thank goodness I was able to get my second shot JUST IN TIME! It felt like a bit of a miracle!
When the time came my mom wanted to travel by car…... so let’s just say it was a very longgggggg drive. Lol. 20 hours to be exact. We made it to Tucson in 2 and a half days - if it were up to my mom we probably would have switched off and driven through the night and made it in one - I don't know where that lady gets her energy!
The first day that we arrived we went straight to one of the jewelry shows and I found some GEMS! I have mentioned before that I am super drawn to clear quartz and I thought that these stones were STUNNING. I loved the “S” shaped stones because they were so unique -- I knew I must have them-- let the spending begin!

As much as I love going to gem shows it can be a bit overwhelming -- I am always afraid I am going to miss something because there are so many stones! I want to see it all! We stayed until the show closed that night and checked in at an adorable boutique hotel called the Tuxon. We had a great night hanging out and enjoying the adorable set up by the pool, it was a much needed relaxing night.

The rest of the trip we went to show after show! If you’ve ever been to the Tucson Gem show then you know that there are tons of different tents and locations that are set up all around the city with different vendors and gems. The show this year was actually much smaller than years prior, regardless, it was still a lot to see! There weren’t quite as many people attending this year, which for me was actually a benefit. I was able to talk with more vendors and ask more questions which means...I BOUGHT MORE STONES! Lol.






Since being cooped up for such a long time I have been craving happy and bright colors! I have really enjoyed incorporating more color and playfulness into my wardrobe and makeup and I plan to do the same in my jewelry-- so if you notice a lot more color in my stone choices that is no accident! Check out some of the gorgeous stones I bought below! Reach out if you see a stone or two you love, we can work together to make you something incredible!




The Tucson Gem Show is always one of my favorites and I would definitely encourage anyone who is interested to attend a show -- it is pretty mindblowing to see so many gorgeous stones and so many of the shows are free and open to the public! One of my favorite shows is the Pueblo Gem and Mineral show because it has tons of giant, mind blowing stones!




It was such a great time, and I really loved attending this show again with my mom. To be honest, even my jewelry friends aren’t as entertained at the gem shows as my mom is! That must be where I get it from! While on our Tucson trip we also were able to eat at several really great spots, check out the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, and stop at some of the gorgeous national parks on the drive there and back. It was an unforgettable experience and I look forward to next year attending again with my mother and gem loving companion!









Since I was able to gather so many incredible stones that will soon become jewels I wanted to kick off the month of May ( My birthday month!) with an awesome sale this weekend! All Jewelry will be 30% off for my second year turning 30!(last year doesn’t count, so yes, I am 30 again!) Woooohooo! This is the biggest discount I have ever done ( and will probably ever do!) so if you’ve had your eye on anything or know of some birthdays coming up later in the year -- now is the time to scoop up these gifts! The next sale won’t be until Christmas so make sure to take advantage while you can! Now go make a list of the things you may need and come back Friday morning to grab them! The sale will be Friday and Saturday only! It’s not just my birthday but Cassondra Justine Jewelry came about 3 years ago today! Cassondra Justine has been a slow growing side hustle for a few years but I am so excited to be pouring my whole heart into my jewelry this year! Thank you so much for your support -- it seriously means the world!