Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Happiness

Who doesn’t want to be happier?? I’m what you might call a happiness FIEND… (I am an enneagram 7, so it’s fitting)....haha. But really, I love looking for things that are going to improve my life and overall make me a happier person! I thought I’d put together my TOP 5 happiness tricks! These are all things that I actively implement into my life – some new and some old!
#1 - Daily Gratitude

For a few years now I have practiced daily gratitude! I’m not gonna lie, I fall off the wagon every now and then, but I have jumped back on countless times because I know that daily gratitude makes a difference!
Every morning I list 5 things that I am grateful for ( I use Rachel Hollis’s Start Today journal). They are small things -- for ex: “A quick Facetime with my friend today!”, “The book I just started reading”, or “the new Cinnamon flavored Nutpods I bought for my coffee!”
When you recall these small things each morning, it helps you to see moments you could be grateful for throughout the rest of your day. It totally changes your perspective and helps you to be more optimistic for the day to come! Practicing daily gratitude not only boosts your happiness, but it is also proven to give you more energy, reduce your stress and anxiety levels and help you sleep better! If that’s not worth 5 mins a day, I don’t know what is!
#2 - Move Your Body
How many times have you heard this?? I know, I know, But that’s because it’s true.
Each morning I am currently choosing one of the beginner videos on youtube from my favorite – Yoga with Adriene. Her videos are anywhere from 10 - 25 mins and the beginner videos are pretty chill…I’m trying to work my way to being a yoga pro…veryyyyy slowly….the turtle wins the race right??
BUT if you’re not about that, start with 5 mins! A 5 min walk? Perfect! It’s really just to get your juices flowing -- I swear you will feel happier after you do!
#3 - Add Some Spice to your Space

Over the past couple years I have really leaned into home decor – specifically a more playful and colorful style of decor. It’s been said that the space that you spend the most time in (for most of us that's our home) can greatly impact your mood! I 100% believe that since adding more color and personality to my spaces that I have been happier! I find myself really enjoying spending time in my space!
At the very least I would recommend finding a piece of artwork that you really love and add it to your space – that doesn’t mean it has to be expensive, just has to be something you love! If you wanna go full out, maybe add a fun accent wall or color like I added in the living room!
Sidenote – I have had to remind myself that not everything has to change at once, it can be a slow evolution! Don’t get stuck on thinking you have to make a huge change at one time!
#4 - Get Some Vitamin D

I know sometimes this can be harder than others! When I was living in Missouri last year it was COLD during the winter and HOT during the summer and it is really easy to convince yourself that it’s not that important to get outside! That being said, I also know that I am in such a better mood when I have taken even a couple minutes to sit out on the porch, or at the very least open the window to get a little fresh air! Any little bit will do you good!
#5 - Dress in Happiness
Listen, I DIDN’T WANT TO DO THIS! I don’t mean to yell but I resisted for basically all of 2020. I could probably count on both hands the amount of times I got “dressed” from March-December…
I refused to listen to those people (like my sister…) who said that I would feel more normal or be more productive if I got ready in the mornings. But-- here I am, once again, proven wrong (go ahead and mark a win for you, Trista…). I have gotten dressed for the past 3 days and I can honestly tell you I feel like a million bucks!
I have felt more confident and in turn have gotten SO MUCH stuff done- which of course, boosts the happiness meter!
So... go put on that floral dress you’ve been meaning to wear! Maybe even add a little lip gloss! But definitely don’t forget the jewels! If I had to pick, I would choose the Cotton Candy Jelly Gem hoops – how can you not smile when you are wearing those! Or maybe my all time favs – the Strength Hoops, because they always make me feel like a badass! And of course, my Courage Bands– those are a no-brainer.
Ok, so now that we’ve dressed in some happiness, don’t you feel FAB?? That’s because you are!
These things as a whole have definitely helped to boost my happiness levels and hopefully they will work for you! If you implement even just one of these things, I can promise it will improve your mood and your day!
Looking for some jewels to create more happiness in your life?? Click here to get shopping now!
Sending you so much love and strength today! xoxo! Cassondra