Is it possible to manifest something?

I know that this topic won’t be for everyone...but it is something I have been thinking about alot lately...
You know when you’re taught something for the first time, or come across a new product and then it seems like you find it/see it/hear about it everywhere you look? That’s how I feel about this topic and since it’s been on my mind so much I want to share it with you.
Let’s get into it, Manifestation. I know this topic can definitely be a hit or miss for some -- and maybe even a little hippy-ish, hokey or as Jenna Kutcher says “woo-woo”. I get it. I’ve been there. I definitely thought that at one point and time. But -- the more I learn about it, the more I want to know and the more I want to try to put it into practice myself.
First of all -- what is manifestation?? Simply put - it means to turn an idea into reality. To think something into existence. I personally believe that the more often you are thinking about something, the more often that subject is top of mind and the more likely you are to see pathways to get you to that end goal.
I am not claiming to be an expert at this, but I think there are definitely some things that I have manifested into existence. For example, my job right out of college, the current car I am driving, and my move from NY to California. These were all things that not only I thought about constantly, but then took action or saw opportunities to make them into reality!
Why am I talking about manifestation?? I believe that there is a lot of power in our thoughts -- and honestly, I wish I would have known sooner how much my thoughts could impact the outcome of my life. If you aren’t already aware of that, I want to share that with you! Take it, or leave it!
Again, I am not an expert on this, so this blog post won’t be long winded.But -- I will highly encourage this AWESOME podcast by Jenna Kutcher and Dr. Tara Swart on manifestation. The podcast talks about the science and research that backs how manifestation can actually work! After listening I immediately went and bought Dr. Swart’s book “The Source” because I was dying to learn more!
Hopefully sharing this with you will help you to work towards some exciting new visions in your life and make them reality.
I truly believe that anything is possible if you put your mind to it! Consider me your personal cheerleader, you got this!!