Hello 2021!

Hello my lovely ladies! I’m excited to be here again, I have missed you!
So..starting off 2021…I have plans to switch up the blog a bit. It will still be monthly -- First Wednesday of each month! But, I plan to switch up the content.
Hello 2021 Cassondra Justine Gemstones
I love Woman Crush Wednesday and will still be featuring a woman who inspires me every so often BUT I also want to be able to share products I love, a book I’m obsessed with or a habit that really improved my life! It will be a bit more of a toss up as to what is the highlight that month but I think that makes it a little more fun! 
Okkkkk…..Let’s get into the first blog post of 2021! YAY!
I know that 2020 has been a rollercoaster for so many of us which is why I want to share something that helped me through each day -- I think more than I realized! 
A morning routine! All of us have a morning routine -- regardless of if that's sleeping late and drinking coffee while you watch TV or waking up at 5am to work out and be out of the house by 6am . There is some sort of routine, right? Right. 
What I didn’t realize is that being intentional about your morning routine can completely transform your day! I want to share 3 things that I have introduced (or re-introduced) into my morning that have REALLY helped to improve my attitude. 
Hollis Co Start Today Journal Rachel Hollis
1. Practice Gratitude 
If I’m going to be honest, I used to think that stuff like this was bologna. Seriously. 
If I thought anything was encouraged in a self help book it was for wack-a-doos and I wasn’t about it. Nowadays, I’m a self help book junkie. Ha! The reason for that is I “accidentally” read a self help book and my life began to improve. 
Anyyyyywayyyy, back to gratitude. This sh*t works! Every morning I list 5 things that I am grateful for ( I use Rachel Hollis’s Start Today journal). They are small things -- for ex: “A quick Facetime with my friend today!”, “The book I just started reading”, or “the new Cinnamon flavored Nutpods I bought for my coffee!”
When you recall these small things that you are grateful for it helps you to see gratitude throughout the rest of your day. It totally changes your perspective and helps you to be more optimistic for the rest of the day to come! 
2. Movement -- Even if it's 5 mins! 
How many times have you heard this?? I know, I know, But that’s because it’s true. 
I am currently doing Breath, A 30 day Yoga Journey with Adriene. It’s definitely more than 5 mins a day, more like 30, but who’s counting ( I am counting, literally every second I’m in a plank and dying!)??  
BUT if you’re not about that, start with 5 mins! A 5 min walk? Perfect! It’s really just to get your juices flowing -- I swear you will feel accomplished after you do it! What better way to start your day than feeling a sense of accomplishment?? 
3. Get Dressed for the Day
Listen, I DIDN’T WANT TO DO THIS! I don’t mean to yell but I resisted for basically all of 2020. I could probably count on both hands the amount of times I got “dressed” from March-December… 
I refused to listen to those people who said that I would feel more normal or be more productive if I got ready in the mornings. But-- here I am, once again, proven wrong. I have gotten dressed for the past 3 days and I can honestly tell you I feel like a million bucks!
I have felt more confident and in turn have gotten SO MUCH stuff done! I’m seriously shocked. 
So... put on a little makeup! Maybe it's just one thing -- mascara? That lipglass you love?? 
Grab your favorite jewelry-- because what says “I’m a badass” better than great pair of earrings (Strength hoops are my GO-TO!)!? Now, put on anything besides what you slept in last night, or the night before…. 
Ok…...don’t you feel FAB?? That’s because you are! Now go conquer the day!! 
If you implement even just one of these things, I can promise it will improve your mood and your day! I hope sharing this gave you at the lease - a shrivel of encouragement  -- if so I’d love to hear from you! Sending you so much love and strength today! xoxo! Cassondra 

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